The Writing Life

Advice on Organizing, Increasing Productivity, and Keeping the Words Flowing

Trouble with Imposter Syndrome? You May Have a Creativity Wound

If you start writing projects but don't finish or finish projects that you never share, you might be suffering from a "creativity wound." In...

Louise Erdrich: “You Can’t Give Yourself an Out”

In an interview with Lit Hub's Otherppl podcast, Louise Erdrich says that she doesn't have a strict work habit but merely loves to write....

Write What You Know: the Opposite of Imagination

You wouldn't be surprised to learn that acclaimed writer Kazuo Ishiguro - author of The Remains of the Day and the modern SF classic...

Voice Tells You What to Write and When You’re Done

As writers, we are encouraged to find and develop our voice. Your voice is comprised of many elements, including the themes your explore, your...

To Write Like Agatha Christie, Work Like Agatha Christie

The type of novel Agatha Christie wrote -  classic whodunnits with genteel detectives, multiple killings but little on-screen violence, and a denouement that sets...

Susan Orlean: The First Reader You Have to Win is Yourself

During an interview with Lit Hub Radio's Threshold podcast, Susan Orlean talks about the risk of telling stories that don't have an obvious built-in...

Pain Means It’s Time to Go Deeper

In a new "Writing Wednesdays" post, Steven Pressfield shares an inspirational quote from Olympic gold medalist swimmer John Naber. When asked the difference between...

Bringing the Dead (Projects) Back to Life

On Monday, we shared an article about the sunk cost fallacy, and knowing when it's time to put two tears in a bucket and...

Not Hitting Your KPIs? Schedule a Staff Meeting With Yourself

With 2 months left in the year, it's a good time to check in on your writing goals. If you didn't quite make the...

Pants or No Pants, Your Butt Needs To Be in the...

There's only one unalterable rule of writing: eventually, you have to write. Not think about, talk about, take a class about it, but actually...


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