Building a Consistent Writing Practice
If you didn't meet your writing goals in 2021, don't fret. There's still time in 2022! You might need to update your habits though....
Not All 24 Hours are Created Equal
Like all good introverts, we hate change. But we will begrudgingly admit that sometimes we need to change and it's often for the better.
Keep Writing Even as the World is Ending
A recurring theme on this year's writing blogs has been how bad the last two years have sucked. You'd be forgiven for thinking the...
Pandemic Year 3: We Need Art More Than Ever
If you're like us, the last two years have seen you bounce back and forth between luxurious bursts of creative energy and periods of...
Tick Tock – Are You Ever Going to Finish That Novel?
To be a writer, you need only write. Sit down, put pen to paper, and voila. You are a writer of something. But to...
Focus Your Writing Goals on What You Control
We're a proponent of setting goals. They don't have to be too detailed and you shouldn't beat yourself up if you miss some, but...
5 Tips for an End-of-Year Creative Review
It's that time of year - time for reflection and planning. In a post on the Stage 32 blog, S.K. Valenzuela says the New...
Use Awe to Spark Creativity
All writers have a sense of curiosity about people and our world. We write stories to figure things out, from big philosophical questions to...
How to Train Your Brain for Writing When You’re Not Writing
While many creative people have set hours for their project time, the creative process itself is no respecter of schedules. At worst, our minds...
Can’t Find a Writing Community? Start Your Own!
We share a lot of articles about finding community among other writers and creative people. Writers tend to be a solitary lot and even...