Want to Write Well? Read Well.
Most writers love to read and would admit that they become better writers the more they read. Nonetheless, many of us still have a...
Self-Doubt is Inevitable, Wallowing Isn’t
During an interview with the Creative Penn podcast, William Kenower offers his advice on how we can recognize self-doubt, write with confidence, and double...
We Have a Cacoethes to Fudgel
We love lists of obscure words and made-up words, including an obsession of popular Facebook share about new words for emotions we can't name....
Ben Winters: Old Enough and Good Enough to Dive Deeper in...
During an interview with Lit Hub's I’m a Writer But...podcast, Ben Winters (The Last Policeman series, The Quiet Boy) talks about migrating away from...
Don’t Forget Your Reading Assignments
Writers love sharing Stephen King's advice about "killing your darlings" but will go to the mat insisting that his most relevant piece of advice...
Mindset Tools for Writers
If you're using the turn of the new year to reassess your creative goals and continuous learning, you're not alone. In a post on...
That’s a Killer Idea
It's common for new writers to ask veterans where they get their ideas. There are a million answers to this question and also no...
Advice for Blocking Distractions and Getting Focused
The New Year is a good time to think about your writing habits and make adjustments that can help you reach your goals. In...
Joanne Harris: How Teaching Shaped Her Writing
In an article for CrimeReads, Joanne Harris (Chocolat) says that her career as a teacher shaped her writing.
Early in her teaching career, Harris taught...
Build Your Own Literary Canon
In a recent post, Moriah Richard continues Writer's Digest's series of articles on what not to do. This time, they recommend that beginning writers...