Just Write
A lot of beginning writers struggle with basic writing concepts, including...beginning. Should we write a premise first? Flesh out our characters? Describe all our...
How Do You Go From Spark to Finished Project?
In this week's episode, the Writing Excuses podcast hosts address the challenge of turning the spark of an idea into a finished creative project....
You Only Live Once: Write What You Want
This editor likes writing in a variety of genres and forms - short stories, novels, poetry, plays, comic scripts, etc. - and we encourage...
Create a Sanctuary for Your Creative Self
If you're like this editor, you start a lot of projects but don't always finish, or take your sweet time doing it. In a...
Kill Your Darling Beta Readers
Our theory of writing advice is that the only good advice is the advice that works for you. Everyone has their own idea of...
Your Life is Not a YouTube Video – You Don’t Need...
One of the hardest parts of writing is turning off the voices in your head - not your characters but the rotten voices telling...
Take a Break From Writing to Get Back in Touch
The modern writing community - mostly online - uses word count and pages written as the all but exclusive measure of productivity. But there's...
Writer’s Block: A Thing or Not a Thing?
Writer's block: Is it a thing? Or a figment of your imagination?
We're of the opinion that writer's block is not a diagnosable condition but...
Tips for Beating a Writing Slump
We share a lot of articles offering encouragement and mild mental health advice because writers need encouragement and some of us could use a...
Boost Your Writing Confidence with Small Goals
We love those little moments when we realize we've mastered an element of writing. Maybe we stumble on a reliable method for strengthening our...