The Writing Life

Advice on Organizing, Increasing Productivity, and Keeping the Words Flowing

Sometimes Motivation Isn’t Enough

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Allison Williams says that motivation alone doesn't finish books. "Finishing your book isn’t actually about motivation,"...

Jeff Vandermeer on Writing Imaginative Fiction

During an interview with Lit Hub's Write-minded podcast, Jeff Vandermeer talks about the imagination and how you can mine the depths of yours to make...

Stressed About Your Writing Weaknesses? Focus on Strengths Instead

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Jenny Hansen says writers would be happier and possibly more productive if we focused on our...

Celebrate Your Wins!

Writing a novel is a long process. We almost always work alone and for months (or years) at a time. Other than personal gratification,...

You Have to Give to Get a Squad

In a post on the Stage 32 blog, Kay Ross offers advice on finding your creative squad. "One's creative 'squad' is so important, but...

Is Your Internal Hero’s Journey the Right One?

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Tiffany Yates Martin says telling yourself the right story about you is important for your writing success. "I’m...

Tips for Building Habits that Help You Reach Your Goals

In a guest post on Writers Helping Writers, Jordan Kantey offers tips to help you reach your writing goals. "The joy of having finished...

The Benefits of Offline Time

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Alexander Lewis says that sometimes the best way to improve your writing is by getting away...

Bring Your Mess to the Page

Every human has emotional baggage of some kind. Some of us keep it tidily arranged in one or two small cases and some of...

When to Ask If Your Writing is Good

In a new post, Mary Carroll Moore asks how we can know we're any good at writing. Moore quotes a recent blog post by George...


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