Alan Moore Speaks His Mind
In an interview with GQ, renowned writer Alan Moore discusses life in Northampton, growing up with and outgrowing superhero comics, working in the industry,...
Creativity Rules the World
During an interview with the Creative Penn podcast, Maria Brito discusses creativity: how we can fuel it, balance consumption and creation, and break the...
Voice: Learn Who You Are and Be That
In a new post, Roz Morris says that self-confidence is an important, but overlooked, element of your writing voice.
"I remember when I wasn’t secure...
Which Film, Novels, and Music Inspire Your Writing?
In a post on Lit Reactor, Richard Thomas examines how various media have changed him as a writer and how we can use them...
Spite: the Dedicated Writer’s Secret Weapon
In an article on Lit Hub, Vanessa Bee says spite helped her overcome rejection and find a home for her memoir.
When she pitched her...
It’s Ok to Take a Writing Break
In a post on Killzone, Terry Odell says not writing is sometimes your best choice.
In Odell's case, family issues became overwhelming, leaving her little...
Want to Feel More Creative? Try Writing by Hand.
In a post on the Killzone blog, Kay DiBianca compares the benefits of handwriting versus typing. Some research suggests that learners retain more information when...
Strive for Excellence, Accept Imperfection
During an interview with the Creative Penn podcast, Beth Kempton discusses her book, The Way of the Fearless Writer, and how to foster a...
8 Tips for Good Beta Reading
The best way to find writer friends to read and critique your work, is to be a writer friend who reads and critiques work. In...
Do You Have the Writeforce?
In a post on DIY MFA, Mason Engel shares the secret of maintaining the motivation and discipline to write. "As a writer, you’ve probably finished...