Susan Orlean: The First Reader You Have to Win is Yourself
During an interview with Lit Hub Radio's Threshold podcast, Susan Orlean talks about the risk of telling stories that don't have an obvious built-in...
Bringing the Dead (Projects) Back to Life
On Monday, we shared an article about the sunk cost fallacy, and knowing when it's time to put two tears in a bucket and...
Don’t Stop Dreaming Big
Sometimes, you have to do the thing, even if you aren't ready to do it. Even if you don't have the skill. Even if...
Homework: Study Your Writing Strengths and Weaknesses
Very few writers excel at every aspect of our craft. If we did, we wouldn't revere writers like Toni Morrison, Margaret Atwood, or John...
How to Switch from Brainstorming to Detailed Revisions
Much is made of the difference between plotters and pantsers - the writers who create from an outline and those who jump in and...
Nobel Laureate Wisława Szymborska on Why It’s Never Too Late to...
For many years, Polish poet and recipient of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature Wisława Szymborska dispensed anonymous writing advice in a regular column...
Top 10 Writing Lessons from Joan Didion
You could fill a book - or several - on what writers could learn from the brilliant Joan Didion. Sara Davidson picks her top...
Good Writing Takes Time
More than one writer has fallen victim to Second Book Syndrome" - the problem of writing a book that lives up to the expectations...
You’re Not the Worst and Who Cares If You Are?
In an excerpt from her book Maybe This Will Help: How to Feel Better When Things Stay the Same, Michelle Rial reminds us that...
Gwenda Bond: Don’t Hesitate to Write Your Passions
In a guest post on Chuck Wendig's blog, Gwenda Bond shares a few things she learned while writing her latest book Not Your Average Hot...