
Building and Nurturing Your Creative Self

The Wisdom of Quitting

Writers are told we should never give up, but in a post on Lit Hub, Clare Pooley says that advice might be overrated. "It...

Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal

As Picasso famously said, "Good artists borrow; great artists steal." He wasn't the first to say it, but that only proves his point, doesn't...

Stoicism Can Help You Weather Creative Storms

If you find yourself rocked by setbacks or feeling worse about your creative stumbles and dry spells than you should be, you might need...

Ignore That Advice, but Listen to This!

In a post for The Script Lab, Britton Perelman offers advice on what advice you should ignore. "Screenwriting tips are a dime a dozen —...

Your Story Might Be in the Cards

In another in her series of using the Tarot for storytelling, Ashley Christiano walks through one process for using a simple card spread to...

The D&D Approach to Writing

Like life, success in Dungeons and Dragons often comes down to chance. The dice giveth and the dice taketh away. In an article for...

The Invisible Question

In a new blog post, DeAnna Knippling offers advice for picking the story you want to write, which she calls the invisible question. "The...

Advice from the Pros: You are the Original You

In a post on the BookBaby blog, Janna Lopez shares some insights from best-selling writers who spoke at the Santa Fe Literary Festival. “Never forget...

The Genius of Fast Writing

In a new post, Kristen Lamb says fast drafting can help you outrun Spock Brain. "Fast drafting is when we sit down and write...

Write for Yourself, Revise for Your Readers

In a guest post on Chuck Wendig's blog, Anne Heltzel shares lessons she learned while writing Just Like Mother. It’s the journey, not the...


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