The Many Ways Fictional Aliens Explore Human Topics

In a post on Lit Hub, Mike Chen explores the various ways writers use aliens to talk about all-too-human concepts. "In most cases, the aliens...

Worldbuilding in Hard and Soft SF

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Joseph Lallo tackles worldbuilding for science fiction novels, which can be a lot of fun while...

You Gotta Give ‘Em Hope

In a post on the SFWA blog, Holly Schofield wonders if modern science fiction needs to be continually dark or if we can expect...

Has Climate Writing Dried Up?

In an essay for Lit Hub, science and environment writer Heather Houser suggests that fiction on environmental and climate themes is becoming moribund. She...

Don’t Make the Cure Simpler than the Disease

In a post on the SFWA blog, Ashley Deng offers advice for writing about fictional pandemics and avoiding the cliche of the dramatically-timed cure. First,...

Worldbuilding Lessons from Dune

Writer Chuck Wendig rhapsodizes about the worldbuilding in the new Dune movie. "Dune as a storyworld has a lot of it," Wendig says. "It’s actually...

One Writer’s Simple Trick for Brainstorming the Future

Science fiction writers have been predicting elements of the future - and our present - for decades. While we don't yet have holodeck and...

Noir and SF: A Complimentary Pairing

Classic examples of SF/mystery mashups include Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and its resulting film adaptation, Bladerunner, as well as...


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