These Questions Can Help you Find the Heart of Your Story
In a recent post, Janice Hardy suggests three questions that can help you get to the heart of your story. In this context, "story"...
Tips on Crafting a Story Structure That Works for You
In a recent post, Janice Hardy discusses the importance of choosing the right structure for your novel. "Story structure is a valuable tool that...
Setting is More than Place
During an interview with the Creative Penn podcast, novelist Tony Park shares his advice for writing novels with a strong sense of place, even...
Advice on Finding the Right Balance on Internalization
In a recent post, Janice Hardy examines internalization - a tool for showing your reader what's going on inside your protagonist's head - and...
6 Questions to Get to the Heart of Your Story
In a new post, C.S. Lakins suggests six questions you can ask to reveal the heart to your story and elevate your book from...
The Key to the Antihero
In a post on BookBaby, Jasmine Gayle examines the types and tropes of the antihero. "An antihero has more obvious flaws and their characteristics...
Anecdotes Do Not a Story Make
In a post on Writer Unboxed, Kathryn Craft offers advice on incorporating real-life anecdotes into your fiction. "More often a writer finds herself in...
Are you Making the Most of Your MacGuffin?
In a post on DIY MFA, Amber Royer offers advice for using your MacGuffin to its best advantage. In short, the MacGuffin is something...
Realistic Fiction: Raising Stakes Without Dragons
In a post on BookBaby, Joe Yamulla offers advice on writing realistic literary and historical fiction. "Real-world issues are complicated, approachable, and relatable, all...
Tips for Building Suspense in Your Narrative
In a post on BookBaby, Jasmine Gayle offers advice on creating suspense in your story. "The key to suspense is to leave the reader...