10-Minute Workshop

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Revisions Start on Page One, Right? Wrong.

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Monica Cox says that writers shouldn't necessarily start on page one when they start revising their...

Clothes Reveal the Character

In a post on Writers Helping Writers, Becca Puglisi says that clothes do make the character. "Clothing and other appearance choices are one way we...

The Central Question at the Heart of Your Story

In a post on ScreenCraft, Britton Perelman says your story needs to have a central question or risk feeling flat on the page. "Sometimes known...

Advice for Turning Classroom Knowledge into Writing Action

In their latest episode, the Writing Excuses hosts examine methods for transferring classroom learning to the written page. They talk to a recent MFA...

Five Tips for Memorable Side Characters

In an article for Writer's Digest, Marina Adair shares five ways to create secondary characters your readers will love. "Creating secondary characters that readers...

Control Your Pacing with Stimuli + Response

In a new post, Janice Hardy offers advice on using your characters' emotional responses to control pacing and lead your readers into your story. When...

Can Your Setting Be Unforgettable?

In an article for Writer's Digest, Kristy Woodson Harvey shares advice for making your setting as unforgettable as your characters. "No matter what type of...

Five Tips for Strong Flashbacks

In a post on the Script Lab, Ken Miyamoto offers advice on writing flashbacks. You've probably heard a lot of professionals advising writers to avoid...

Does Your Novel Keep the Beat?

In a post on the Stage 32 blog, Miquiel Banks offers tips for using beat sheets to track your protagonist's character arc. "At their...

Making Your Unlikable Characters Work on the Page

In a post for Writer's Digest, Sarah Joverjun examines four types of unlikable characters and how to make them work. "Intentionally unlikable or not, protagonists...


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