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Bad Writing Can Also be Educational

Writers need to read other writers. As writing advice goes, this is as close to a mandatory rule as one can get. We should...

Five Foreshadowing Tips

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Ellen Buikema suggests effective ways to use foreshadowing in your writing. "Foreshadowing is a literary device...

The Importance of Narrative Voice

In an article for Writer's Digest, Kenan Orhan says the narrator's voice in your story is as important as your own. "There is setting and...

Choosing the Right Details

In a new post, Mary Carroll Moore says the trick to writing great descriptions is finding the details that matter. "Some people love lots...

Why We Can’t Look Away from Toxic Relationships

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Heather Webb examines why toxic relationships are such juicy fodder for fiction writers and readers. She suggests a...

Great Stories Need Great Stakes

In a post on BookBaby, Scott McCormick says that your protagonist's goals aren't as interesting if you don't set serious consequences for failure. "If...

Let Your Settings Change with Your Characters

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Emilie-Noelle Provost offers advice for creating true to life settings, based on her experience working in the travel industry....

The Trouble is in Your Head

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Laurie Schnebly Campbell says that not every story needs to open with big trouble for the protagonist...

The Key Elements of Autofiction

In a guest post on Jane Friedman's blog, Adele Annesi examines autofiction and how writers can use this form to explore important life experiences....

The 36 Dramatic Situations

In a post on the Script Lab, Ken Miyamoto examines the 36 dramatic situations, popularized in a French text written in 1895 by Georges...


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