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It’s Ok to Show Your Influences

In a guest post on Chuck Wendig's blog, Johann Thorsson shares what he learned writing his supernatural crime novel Whitesands. Writing is all in...

Structure Sets an Expectation

In their latest podcast, the Writing Excuses hosts continue their conversation about structure and how structure makes a promise to the reader. Structure tells...

Rutu Modan: “It Can Be a Wild Story, but Everything Has...

Incomparable cartoonist Jason Lutes (Berlin) recently interviewed writer/artist Rutu Modan about her new graphic novel, Tunnels. Modan shares her process for creating the work,...

Use Wide Angle POV to Keep Your Reader at a Distance

Modern novels often go for a deep POV, bringing the reader directly into the protagonist's thoughts and portraying the novel's settings, characters, and events...

Cause and Effect is the Key to Story

There's a simple test for determining the strength of your story. If your story unfolds as a series of events - this happens, then...

J.L. Torres on How Worldbuilding Helps Him Write for Multiple Audiences

During an interview with the DIY MFA podcast, J.L. Torres (The Accidental Native, The Family Terrorist and Other Stories), discusses how he writes for separate audiences...

Break the Hero’s Journey to Tell a Story of Your Own

In an article for Lit Hub, Tiphanie Yanique talks about how she used the Hero's Journey structure to tell a story Joseph Campbell was unlikely...

Stories Are About Why

In an interview with the Creative Penn podcast, writer Lisa Cron talks about the importance of story, including what stories are really about and...

Writing Rules are Meant to be Broken

This blog is a firm believer of the tenet that rules are made to be broken. This includes the alleged rules of writing. Name...

Narrative Promises Create Structure

The Writing Excuses podcast starts a new 8-episode series on promises and expectations. With their guest hosts - Kaela Rivera, Sandra Tayler, and Megan Lloyd - they...


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