10-Minute Workshop

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Demystifying Deep POV

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Lori Brown helps us define Deep Point of View and crack the code to writing it...

Cut Filler and Crutch Words to Streamline Your Story

Filler and crutch words are the bane of any writer's craft. Many of us could cut 10 percent from our manuscript by cutting out...

What Fights Can Do For Your Story

In an article for Writer's Digest, Carla Hoch discusses what fight scenes can do for your story, including providing options you might not have...

Alice McDermott: Connection is the Reason We Read and Write

During a conversation with Lit Hub's First Draft: A Dialogue of Writing podcast, Alice McDermott talks about her new book of essays on writing,...

Advice for Creating Your Own Graphic Novel

As a kid who constantly caught flak for reading comic books, it's been heartening to watch the graphic novel mature and take its place...

Use Place to Pull Your Reader In

In a new article for Writer Unboxed, Beth Havey continues her examination of place in fiction. "Think of place as the establishing shot in...

Tiphanie Yanique: the Politics of Road Stories

In a post on Lit Hub, Tiphanie Yanique examines the "on the road" novel: a story that takes its characters on a road trip...

How Much Does an Editor Cost?

In a helpful post on DIY MFA, Jeannette Smith breaks down what you can expect to pay a professional editor for helping you develop,...

Be Yourself to Find Your Voice

In a post on Writer's Digest, Robert Lee Brewer says there's only one way to discover your writing voice: Write. "There is only one true way...

Audiences Buy Concepts, but Embrace Characters

In a post on Killzone, Garry Rodgers describes one of his former partners from his time as a police detective and a list of...


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