10-Minute Workshop

Strengthen Your Craft in 10 Minutes a Day

When Characters Chase the White Whale: Tips for Writing Obsession

Whether it involves a passionate romance gone dangerously awry or a one-legged ship captain hunting a white whale, obsession is a mainstay of powerful...

Portraying Women in Historical Fiction – part 3

In the third part of her series on creating women characters in historical fiction, MK Tod discusses the final elements in her list: plot,...

Can Your Characters Pass the Test for Sentience?

A common method for building character is the tried and true interview technique. You sit down with a list of 20 or 40 or...

The First Million Words are Practice

In a guest post on Chuck Wendig's blog, Richard Swan shares a few lessons he learned writing his novel, The Justice of Kings. The...

Everyone Has to Eat

Showing your characters eating is something most writing advice tells you to skip. Like showering, bathroom needs, and driving to work, it's something readers...

Advice for Mastering Multiple POVs

If you want to write your version of Game of Thrones, Roz Morris has advice for writing in multiple POVs on her Nail Your Novel...

Use Music to Help With Emotional Scenes

Adding emotional depth to your writing is a skill you have to study, practice, and master if you want to engage your readers in...

Mine Your Emotions for Writing Diamonds

In a post on the Killzone blog, James Scott Bell says writers need to offer something special if they want to stand out on...

You Can Always Choose a Good Influence

In their latest podcast, the Writing Excuses hosts discuss influences. What are your influences? What pieces of art, music, literature, or other media have...

10 Tips for Retelling Shakespeare in a Fresh Way!

Retelling Shakespeare's plays in a new way is a writerly tradition. With the new West Side Story, we're even getting remakes of retellings! In...


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