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Fly Your Geek Flag in Your Writing

Writers are always looking for an interesting fact or tidbit to use in our stories, something to pique a reader's interest or provide a...

The Want and Need of “Soul”

The Stage 32 blog shares a new video from StudioBinder. In Lessons from a Screenplay, they break down the two foundational elements of a great character:...

How Much World Do You Need to Show in a Novel...

During a conversation with Lit Hub's I'm a Writer But... podcast, Mike Meginnis discusses worldbuilding for a story in which you end your world. Meginnis...

Dig Deep to Find Your Characters’ Layers

In the real world, it's easy to reduce our antagonists to their most annoying characteristic - laziness, arrogance, forgetfulness - but that habit is...

Four Questions to Ask When You Write Historical Fiction

In a post on the Writers Helping Writers blog, E.C. Ambrose shares her advice on turning a passion for history into a great story. "Some...

Even Educated Fleas Do It

Pornography - writing, photography, film - is generally not regarded as serious creative expression, and never as fine art. Explicit sex is buried or...

Your Happy Family Can Still Be Distinct

Leo Tolstoy famously said "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." But even happy (ish) families in...

What’s in Your Research Toolbox?

In a guest post on Chuck Wendig's blog, writer Rob Hart talks about his research process and what he learned from his years in...

You Can Go Home Again – but is it Worth it?

In a recent post, Joanna Penn shares her experience rewriting a 10-year old draft of a manuscript that she actually published. During this episode...

Happy New Draft Day!

Some writers edit, some don't (They say they do, but what they really do is proofread before posting). Some writers need two or three...


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