Craft Work

Strengthen Your Writing Aspect by Aspect

Formula Can Fix What Ails Your Story

You might think that writing to formula is a creativity killer, but in a recent blog post, Kristen Lamb says that mastering your writing...

Your Voice is Already Inside You

In a post on DIY MFA, F.E. Choe discusses voice: yours, your novel's, and your characters'. While the concept of voice is complex and...

Create Unique Secondary Characters Without Breaking Your Word Count

In a post on Writer Unboxed, Tessa Barbosa offers advice for creating strong individuals among your large cast of characters. Even in a long novel...

Creating Characters in Historical Mysteries

During her interview with the DIY MFA podcast, Shelley Blanton-Stroud talks about historical mysteries and her book Tomboy: A Jane Benjamin Novel. During the episode,...

Let Your Day Job Lead You Back to Writing

In a post on Lit Hub, Wesley Straton says that her work as a bartender helped her write her novel. Straton started bartending as...

Ways to Trick Your Reader

In a post on Killzone, Sue Coletta offers advice for deceiving your reader. "Fictional truth is never quite as clear as it seems on...

Ensemble Casts: When Things Fall Apart

In their latest episode, the Writing Excuses hosts examine what happens when your ensemble cast falls apart. They discuss how an ensemble story can go...

The Many Uses of Chekov’s Gun

“One must never place a loaded rifle on the stage if it isn’t going to go off. It’s wrong to make promises you don’t...

Advice for Researching Your Characters

In a new blog post, Mary Carroll Moore offers some suggestions for getting to know elusive characters. "I am in favor of books that draw...

How and When to Use Multiple POV

In an article for The Writer, Jack Smith examines when and how to use multiple POV in your novel. "An omniscient narrator can dip...


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