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Strengthen Your Writing Aspect by Aspect

How to Get a Passive Character Through the Middle

Following up on recent Writer Unboxed articles about the virtues of passive characters and how to use them, Donald Maass tackles an important question:...

Make it Hard, Make it Weird: Adding Drama to Your Story

In a new blog post, Kristen Lamb offers advice for adding drama to your story. "Drama needs to be in everything we create if we...

Cliffhangers Should be Brief, Timely, and Punchy

You don't have to write thrillers to plot a good cliffhanger. Some writing advice suggests ending every chapter on a cliffhanger, which seems a...

Dive Deeper to Understand Your Protagonist’s Why

It's axiomatic that your fictional protagonist needs a goal; otherwise, you won't have much of a story to tell. But even the strongest goal will...

People Don’t Think That Way: Examples on Writing Deep POV

In a post on Writers in the Storm, Laurie Schnebly Campbell examines deep POV, offering both a definition and good examples of how to...

Emotions Are Your Gateway to Story

Maya Angelou once said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget...

How Trauma Informs an Unreliable Narrator

There are many story reasons explaining why your MC may be an unreliable narrator. They might struggle with mental illness or substance abuse, or...

Leveraging Your Characters’ Biases

In their latest podcast, the Writing Excuses hosts and guest Fonda Lee suggest ways you can leverage your characters' biases in your novel. Regardless...

Use RPGs to Bounce Your Characters Off Real(ish) People

Dungeons and Dragons has experienced a resurgence in the last few years and its reputation is at least 50% less dorky than it was...

When Your Hero Needs to Feel the Pinch

Creating dramatic tension in your story requires you to put your character in some kind of physical or emotional jeopardy, and that requires a...


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