A Lot of Reasons Everybody Should Write Short Stories

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In a guest post on Jane Friedman’s blog, Elizabeth Sims identifies 20 reasons everyone should write short stories. Here are a few of them:

  1. “Short stories force you to practice economy of language as well as of plot material. How can I write my scenes with maximum impact and minimal words? Which of these many elements I just brainstormed on is the most compelling? Which are kind of weak? Nothing tentative or irrelevant can stay in. That’s a tremendously fun challenge.”
  2. “A blank page is a blank page, but if you know it’s page one of 400, that’s one thing. Page one of 10 is quite another.”
  3. “You can try out different genres easily with short stories.”
  4. “Short stories let you experiment with different forms and voices at low cost. First person? Third omniscient? Even second person? Mixed, right in one story? What the hey, give it a whirl. See how it feels.”
  5. “A short story is a break from the demands of a novel, which can get to feel onerous. Writing a short story in the midst of a tough slog in a novel can change your mental scenery and freshen the wind at your back.”

Read the rest at the link below.