Does Your Story Need a Full Circle Moment?

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

In a post on Killzone, Sue Coletta discusses the full circle moment and whether your story needs one. “A full circle moment occurs when life provides clarity about the past,” she explains. “The journey begins with an often harrowing event, we endure trials and tribulations along the way, then end up right where we started. Only now, we have the wisdom of life experience and personal growth to view the past from a new perspective.”

In the Hero’s Journey structure, the full circle moment arrives when the hero returns home after the successful quest. As an example, in The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy dreams of traveling over the rainbow to escape boring Kansas. However, when she does indeed travel, she wishes only to return home. Her arrival and her realization that there’s no place like home, brings her physical and emotional journey full circle.