Did Witchcraft Help Win WW2?

Image by Tracy Lundgren from Pixabay

Voodoo may have helped cause the downfall of Adolf Hitler, according to a 1943 article from the Detroit Evening Times shared on Strange Ago blog. The article describes a Washington D.C. secret society that used multiple death dolls, including a life-sized effigy, to curse the Nazi leader. Driven by the rhythm of a drum circle, the coven purportedly hammered needles and nails into the dolls while cursing Hitler “by every tear drop and drop of blood you have caused to flow.” After the ritual, the dolls were buried facedown in a swamp to rot.

The group spread word of their hex work, hoping news would reach the Führer’s ears. According to the article, the group inspired other secret societies across Europe to practice death-doll witchcraft against Hitler. One Belgian society reportedly distributed thousands of death dolls.

While it’s doubtful that most of the practitioners believed in voodoo, they knew that Hitler himself was superstitious and believed in black magic, and possibly susceptible to news about the campaign. If Hitler himself believed in the power of their curses, they hoped, he might bring about his own destruction.

Did it? What do you think happened in those midnight meetings?