Do You Believe These Five Creepy Story Prompts?

Image by Christian S from Pixabay

Techy Twist shares stories shared by Reddit users who swear these creepy things actually happened to them:

  • I was chilling in a cafe several years ago when someone I had never seen before walked in. He came up to me and asked “Are you [my first and last name]?” I said, “Yeah?” He nodded and then walked out of the store and I never saw him again. To this day I don’t know who that was and how he knew who I was.
  • When I was five years old, my mom opened the door to two cops who were telling her that her daughter (me) was outside alone in the spring with only a t-shirt and shorts at 1 a.m. She comes to get me and we go in the entry. The two cops said that the little girl knew where she’s living and that’s she was living at my house. The two cops then look at me, creep out, and ask my name. I have a very unique name. Then the cops took the little girl to show my mother that it wasn’t a joke of some sort. The little girl entered and ran to my mom yelling, “Mommy, Mommy. It’s me, Lily.” My name is Livia. I don’t know how she knew my name and made a nickname with it. I believe she heard the cops asking me questions. Then I started to cry and eventually the cops left with the little girl. 
  • I had a schnauzer that could hear a cat stalk across a Persian rug. She made a great tent companion while on backtracking trips. Bears, raccoons, and skunks would all get fair warning if they came within range of our campsite. One morning, we woke up from a night without interruptions in the back country of SW Colorado and I found my tent’s central guyline was no longer staked down by the aluminum stake that I had used but instead by a piece of Aspen branch that had been carved into what looked like a tiki statue. A snarling face with teeth had been carved from the bark and it had obviously been heated in a fire to give it a brown color. My dog didn’t make a sound. I scrambled out of the tent and looked around the small alpine lake and saw no other campers nor any sign that people had been around. Cut my trip short and hauled ass the 8 miles back to my car. Not a single other car in the lot at the trailhead. 
  • I used to work in a nursing home where I cared for dementia patients. Every patient on the hall I worked on would steal spoons from dinner to give to “the kids” because “they like shiny things.” I asked the patients about the kids many times but never got a good answer. I’d hear things like “they just live here” or “they stand outside in the snow and look in the windows” or “they’re my friends who visit.” Wouldn’t be so weird if they didn’t all do it, but it was everyone. One time at 3 a.m. one of my patients started screaming so I ran in her room and found her laying in bad, seemingly fine. I asked what was wrong and she said, “That boy is here again and won’t get out of my closet. I’m scared.” Like, me too, Delores, what the heck. 
  • In 2009, my wallet and BlackBerry were stolen at a gas station. I replaced my cards and moved on with my life. In 2014, I got a new-to-me truck. It had been a Comcast truck in the next state over. I drove it to my parents’ house and my dad and I were combing through it. We found my driver’s license under the passenger seat. The license that was under the seat was the one that was stolen in 2009. In a truck from a different state, that hadn’t been built at the time of the theft, that I happened to purchase five years later.