Memoir Advice That Can Help with Prose

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Bad Redhead Media shares some writing exercises that can help you with your memoir, and with other creative projects. Plumbing your past for your experiences and lessons learned can help you add layers to your stories, making them more personal and meaningful. Some of the best cross-over tips include:

  1. State Your Mission. Why are you writing this story? What information do you want to share? Consider creating a logline, a two-sentence description of your story.
  2. Consider the Lesson or Message. What message or lesson learned do you want readers to take away from your story? Of course you don’t want to beat your reader with a moral, but you have morals and a belief system. Use them.
  3. Write with Emotion. Describe emotions, don’t merely state them. Engage the five senses. What does an emotion look, smell, taste, sound, or feel like?