You Don’t Need Money for a DIY Writing Diploma

Image by Gillian Callison from Pixabay

We can’t all afford to attend the best schools for creative writing or screenwriting, and if we can, a lot of us late bloomers could never find the time. In a post on the Stage 32 blog, Monica La Vella suggests ways you can get the same information without the expense (and unfortunately without the diploma, but who cares?).

La Vella found herself in a position that will be familiar to many of us: wanting to learn more about writing, but without the inclination to go back to school. Instead, she created her own DIY diploma program. Her steps include:

  • Identify what you want to learn
  • Find the curriculum for an IRL diploma/certificate program
  • Make a schedule and set goals
  • Use online resources, including industry blogs, pro websites and podcasts, and interviews. Google and YouTube are your friends!
  • Consider some one-off classes and webinars
  • Find accountability partners
  • Study how-to books, scripts, and shows