Joan and Sammy marched along
the rolling surface of a glowing path floating on the crystal
blue waters of the Bay of Bengal. She was cloaked in the
avatar of the Brynhildr the Valkyrie for today’s contest.
The path led into lush jungle on the distant shore. She tapped
the head of her mighty war hammer, Mjolnir the Crusher, hanging
from her belt as she gazed across the glistening waters.
The original software package for Brynhildr included the
bright spear of the Valkyrie, but Joan paid extra to upgrade
to Thor’s magical warhammer.
Joan grinned.
Their opponents certainly had created an exotic locale for
the contest.
Sammy, cloak in his avatar
of Loki, took her hand. “Is Odin’s handmaiden ready for
battle?” He kissed her on that special spot on her palm.
For an instant she felt it, the perfect interface, simultaneous
contact between Loki’s lips and Brynhildr’s palm, Sammy’ lips
and her palm. For a moment it was all one, real and virtual,
a bright flash that rolled through her. Joan shivered and
“Of course,
love. Odin’s handmaiden is always ready for battle.” When
he kissed her again, she laughed and pulled away. “We need
to focus on the contest now, dear. Playtime is later.” Joan
stroked his cheek and turned back to the glistening sea.
Static hissed
from the sky, washing away the crystal sea and lush jungle,
leaving Joan standing at the west entrance of the George
Washington Carver Memorial Park near her home. Plastic beer
sacks and McDonald’s wrappers littered the ground as the
mag-lev autos on West 19th street whooshed by. A gaggle of
daycare kids, giggling as they stared, trooped by behind
their frowning daycare lady.
“What the heck!” Joan
stared at Sammy, standing flat-footed with his mouth hanging
open. Static showered down again and the virtual world
reappeared so Joan stumbled as the glowing path surged
under her feet.
“Hey,” Sammy shouted
as he fell. “Joan sweetie, what are you doing?”
“I wasn’t doing anything!” She
scanned the shifting sea for changes. “We’re probably picking
up interference from some idiot with a hopped up wireless
card on his laptop.” When Loki just stared, Joan continued. “Some
people like to hack into the corporate networks in city
center. It’s free Internet. A hacker figured out how to
boost the wifi card’s range with a signal amplifier. It
gets them too far away from the office buildings for corporate
security to spot, but plays havoc with every other wireless
system nearby.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Sammy
said. “Can we get on with it?”
Joan blinked down her
heads-up display and keyed the glowing links for their
opponents. Freakin’ newbies! The stats showed
the leader had five tournaments to his credit, but the
other one was a new player. Joan flashed a hello to the
other team and two beings appeared down the glowing path
in a jungle clearing as Joan and Sammy swept forward. The
soft evening light left the clearing in shadows as birds
and insects filled the air with their calls. Joan began
to sweat in the moist heat while she surveyed their opponents.
Not bad. They
faced the Hindu gods Shiva and Kali across the clearing.
Shiva was a fairly typical avatar, blue skinned with eyelids
darkened with kohl, naked except for a skirt of bright
cloth around his loins. But Kali was a masterpiece, blue-skinned
like Shiva, but with six arms. Each hand held a blade,
and the arms were in continual motion, shifting from fighting
stance to fighting stance.
Joan grinned. Cool!
She must have an AI subroutine just for the arms, cross-linked
to the programming for the rest of the avatar. Of course,
all but two of the arms are virtual, but which are real?
If I were writing the programming, I’d have real and
virtual shift randomly.
But then Joan noticed
discrepancies. Kali was prominently female, broad hipped
and heavy breasted, but she was wearing a bikini top. Jesus!
Somebody’s feeling shy. And the swords! Kali’s six
blades were from different eras and cultures. There was
a Turkish scimitar, a crusader’s long sword, a Japanese
katana and a sailor’s cutlass. The last two hands, on opposite
sides, held American Bowie knives.
“Freakin’ newbies!” she
muttered. The blades were something she bought right off
the shelf, without bothering to research the character. Sure,
they’re edged weapons the software permitted. But they
got nothing to do with her avatar. I bet she’d be have
plasma lasers if the game rules allowed it. Why bother
competing if you’re not going to pay attention to your
“Yo, varlets!” Shiva
shouted. “How dare you challenge the gods themselves to
battle. We will eat your livers, raw and smoking, cut from
your still-living guts.”
Joan shook her head. “Hey,
Skippy, varlets? This is the Far East, not King Arthur’s
When Shiva shuffled and
looked over to Kali, Joan charged swinging Mjolnir the
Crusher from overhead. The blue-skinned god jerked his
shield up so the hammer clanged against it, but the red
flare of damage imparted by the strike shot through the
shield and into Shiva’s arm. Joan laughed as the shield
disappeared, destroyed by the hammer blow, and the arm
turned black and swung limp, paralyzed by the point damage
Mjolnir delivered. She swung again, cracking the top of
Shiva’s helm. Red damage flared through the helm and into
Shiva’s head, so that his eyes and ears turned black. The
Hindu god shouted and swiped blindly with his sword. Joan
circled around behind him and tapped him on the back of
the head. Red damage flared and Shiva dropped, fading into
a black man-shaped smudge on the ground.
Sammy was scored with
glowing flares of damage from Kali’s multiple blades when
Joan glanced over, but Kali had twice as many. Chanting
his battle cry, Sammy grasped the bottom of his spear with
his left hand and held the shaft loosely with his right.
Pumping with his left hand, he jabbed the spearhead forward
and back like a snake’s tongue. In quick succession, he
stabbed Kali in the breast, the stomach and the shoulder.
Joan knew from long practice at their martial arts classes,
Sammy’s technique with the spear was impossible to beat
without a shield, not if you wanted to get close enough
to fight back.
And then Kali cheated.
Sammy stood with his spear jabbing away when Kali threw
down her blades and darted in. Running along the shaft,
the Hindu goddess grabbed Sammy in a bear hug. Joan chuckled
and shook her head. Freakin’ newbie! What does she think
she’s doing? Now she’s unarmed and Sammy has a knife on
his belt. But then she swept one hand up Sammy’s neck
and across his head.
Red flashes appeared
overhead as a voice announced, “An inappropriate
disconnection has been detected. Emergency shut down has
been instituted.”
Sammy jerked and dropped,
disappearing before he hit the ground. Static rained down
and they were standing near the ball field in the park.
Joan ran to where Sammy sprawled twitching on the ground.
A skinny redheaded girl stood to one side, eyes wide and
mouth open. She held Sammy’s electrode cap in one hand
with the fiberoptic ribbon cable still attached to Sammy’s
VR unit.
“Hey, it was an accident.” The
red head dropped the electrode cap. “I must have snagged
it when I grabbed him.”
“Bull! I saw you snatch
his electrodes off on purpose. Do you have any idea how
much it hurts to get cut out of the game? A lot!”
Joan bit her lip. Most
gamers experienced an accidental cut off before they learned
to be careful. Joan had lost her electrode cap during her
third tournament to a low branch. She winced at the memory.
Her head rang like she’d been smacked with a bat as her
senses cycled between virtual reality and the real world. Give
it a few minutes, he’ll be fine. She patted Sammy on
the chest as he jerked and spasmed.
“I’m here, Sammy. It
should stop in a minute.”
“J-J-J-Joanie, help m-m-me,” Sammy
stuttered. Then his eyes rolled up and a dark stain spread
across his jeans as the stinging smell of urine filled
her nose.
“Jeez!” Joan began to
pant. “He’s having seizures!” Joan cushioned his head on
her lap as he thrashed.
“Help me! I need get
him to the shop.” The redhead had her mouth covered with
her hands, but nodded.
Virtual Deceit was a gaming
shop run by Lucian Von Heller five blocks west of the park.
Joan first met Sammy at an open tournament there a year ago.
She’d walked into old warehouse behind the shop and saw a
shaggy haired guy enter opposite her. As soon as she activated
her VR unit, she was Brynhildr the Valkyrie, handmaiden to
the gods, standing in a forest clearing studded with a few
trees where the steel pillars of the warehouse stood a moment
before. Across the glade, a Roman legionnaire in gleaming
armor saluted with her with his short sword and charged.
He came on without hesitation, stabbing and slashing, and
she gave as good as she got until he pressed in close where
his short blade gave him the advantage. He defeated her,
but only just. They became a couple soon after that.
By the time Joan and the redhead
reached Virtual Deceit, Sammy hung twitching between them
with only the whites of his eyes showing. Joan kicked open
the front door.
A short, thin man with a long
gray ponytail and goatee popped out of the back.
“This one yanked off Sammy’s
electrodes,” Joan said. “It’s like he’s having seizures.”
“Right.” Lucien disappeared
into the back and reappeared with a hypodermic. “I need to
give him a sedative.” He injected Sammy through his jeans.
Sammy went limp. “OK, what happened?”
“Hey, it was an accident,” the
redhead said. “I didn’t know this would happen if I knocked
off his electrodes. It just cut him off from the gaming machine.”
Lucian puffed up as his face
flushed red. “Hey stupid, I explained all of this to you
this morning. Did you bother to listen to anything?”
He pointed to the gaming unit
belted to her waist. “The unit plays the gaming software
directly into your brain, turning it into an organic CPU.
Why you think you can walk around in the virtual world without
walking into a telephone pole or falling into a ditch?”
The redhead just stared and
shook her head.
“Jesus! Look, I want you to
remember this if you remember nothing at all. You don’t take
off the electrodes during the game. There’s programming running
through the neurological net of your brain. The gaming unit
has to shut it down. When you yanked off Sammy’s electrodes,
that left the programming running in his head. That’s a really
bad thing, understand?” The redhead nodded as tears glistened
in her eyes.
Lucian dragged Sammy into the
storeroom and lay him on a cot. “This happened 10 minutes
ago, right?”
“Yeah. How did you know?” Lucian
just grunted and turned away.
“He’ll be out for a couple
of hours. I’ll have him call you when he wakes up.”
Her mother’s voice whispering
from the living room pulled Joan from sleep. Her mom called
Joan’s room painfully sparse, but Joan found the decor a
comfort. Fascinated with Japan during her research for tournaments,
she tried to copy the spare aesthetic decor. The tatami mat
and futon were easy, and a coffee table served as a computer
desk to kneel at. But the centerpiece of the room hung on
a rack on the wall, a 19th century silk kimono. Multicolored
chrysanthemums on a blue background. Joan saved for a year
to buy it on eBay.
As Joan snuggled deeper into
the warm futon, bright flowers filing her mind.
Her eyes popped opened again.
Mom’s voice was shrill with emotion, and growing louder.
“Joan! Get up! Sammy’s in the
Joan threw aside the quilt. Hospital!
What’s going on?
“Thank you for coming down
so quickly, Ms. Borland,” the ER doctor said. “Your friend
was brought in last night with seizures. The person who dropped
Sam off left without giving a name. A gray-haired man with
a goatee?” Joan just shrugged. “Your friend’s wallet had
your name and number as an emergency contact. Can you help
us get in touch with his next of kin?”
Next of kin? Joan clutched
the arms of her chair until her arms trembled. She took a
deep breath and forced herself to relax.
“His folks live in Cleveland.
I’ve never met them, but I can get their number from his
roommate. But I don’t understand, this sounds serious. What’s
The doctor stared at his clipboard
and shrugged.
“I can’t tell you much. I know
he’s your boyfriend but you’re not family. I can say he’s
suffering atypical seizures. And they’re getting worse. Does
he have a history of epilepsy?”
“Sammy’s never had any health
problems. Is he going to be okay?”
“I’m sorry. I can’t say more.
It’s important we have his family here.” The doctor stood,
patted her on the shoulder and walked away.
By dint of shouting and cussing,
she got the hospital staff to let her see Sammy. He was shaking
so hard they had him in restraints.
“Why isn’t that stopping?” Joan
asked the nurse who led her in.
“We don’t know. We’ve given
him injections of phenobarbital and Dilantin. Enough to wipe
out five men. He’s not responding.” The nurse shrugged and
walked out.
Sammy’s eyes popped open and
he grimaced, showing all his teeth. “Okay, Kali, you want
a fight? Loki the undying will give you more than you can
handle!” Sammy spasmed and shook against the restraints.
What’s going on? He’s still
fighting our last contest. She grasped Sammy’s hand
and pressed it against her cheek. “Please get better.”
Just after 4:00 A.M., a monitor
above the bed wailed and staff came crashing in. A tall man
in medical scrubs hauled her out.
“Dear, your friend is in crisis.
It’s best you go to the waiting area, you’ll get in the way.
Someone will be out to talk to you.”
And someone did, after the
longest half-hour Joan ever lived through. He was an older
doctor, gray-haired and stooped, with sad eyes. He sat next
to her and held her hand.
“Hello Miss Borland, I’m Dr.
Bartholomew. I have bad news. Your friend didn’t make it.
His seizures were too much and sent him into heart failure.
We did everything we could, but he’s gone. Is there someone
I can call for you?”
Joan was shaking as she stared
at the floor. She shook her head, and dislodging tears. The
doctor squeezed her hand and smiled a sad smile.
Joan had to borrow her mom’s
black polyester dress for Sammy’s funeral. She’d never needed
anything that formal before. At the funeral home, Lucian
stood at the entrance wearing an impeccable gray suit. Joan
felt her heart thump as she glared.
“You!” She hissed
and shoved her face up to his. “Why did you dump Sammy at the
Lucian stepped back. “Joan,
sweetheart, you think I want the police on me? Your boyfriend
must have taken something really bad. I don’t need cops thinking
I’m dealing drugs or something.”
“That’s bull,
Lucian. Sammy wasn’t doing drugs and you know it.” Joan almost
said something about Sammy’s hallucinations about the last
competition, but stopped. Something’s wrong. Why would Lucian
make up a lie about Sammy and drugs? Especially to me, I was
with Sammy. Instead she asked about Sammy’s VR unit. Sammy
didn’t have it at the hospital.
“Why would you
want that?” Lucian shoved his hands in his pockets. “You don’t
need it.”
“You’ll give it to me because
I want it,” Joan hissed between clenched teeth. She shoved
Lucian so he stumbled back a step. “Have it ready when I
come by, or I’ll kick your butt and take it.”
She went inside and knelt at
the coffin. Joan had to grip the side to keep from falling.
Sammy looked like an oversized doll, pink cheeked and hair
plastered with goop. Somehow they had forced his lips into
goofy smile. His spear was nestled in his arms. Jesus,
this is it?
The next evening she sat at
her desk staring at Sammy’s VR unit. What happened to
Sammy must be inside. Nothing else makes sense.
After a moment’s thought, she
knew there was only one place to look. Each VR unit contained
a five tetrabyte RISC memory chip that held the VR software.
Everything else, the wireless transmission hardware, the
input-output circuits for direct feed into the human brain,
all were run by the software on the chip. More important,
anything that had been running on Sammy’s unit when he got
cut out should still be in the chip’s memory register.
She opened the VR unit with
a screwdriver on its hinge so the three circuit boards inside
fanned out like the pages of the book. The middle board held
a computer chip as long as her finger. Joan popped it out
and slotted it into the chip socket she’d plugged into her
laptop. In a moment she was scrolling through the coding
from the chip. Joan sighed and rubbed her eyes. There were
over three million of lines of Turbo C coding on the chip,
and she didn’t know what she was looking for. What choice
do I have? Sammy’s dead.
She stretched and got down
to the task.
Her search turned out to be
easy once she thought about it. She read any recent changes
to the coding, and a section popped up immediately. A subroutine
had been added a month ago that left her bewildered.
Why would Lucian add a communication
program to the VR unit? She could see the subroutine
was a packet transfer program normally found in digital
communication software, but also had lines like you found
in a computer virus. Besides, the unit already had a communications
program, part of the original game software. Why another?
She ran the program on her
computer. “Lucian,” she whispered. “Do you have any idea
what you did to us?”
Kneeling on the tatami mat
in her room dressed in a white hopi coat and hakama trousers,
Joan drew the Japanese pictograph for Sammy’s gaming name
on a strip of white cloth. A katana, a modern reproduction
of the Samurai long sword, gleamed on its stand next to her.
The blade was a ferro-ceramic composite, half the weight
of Japanese steel, and electric blue to boot. Grasping the
sword in both hands, Joan touched the flat of the blade to
her forehead and slid one thumb to the edge. Blood blossomed.
She set the katana on its stand and pressed her bloody thumb
to the cloth. “For you, Sammy,” she whispered and tied the
cloth around her forehead.
Virtual Deceit was deserted
when she slipped in. She flipped the lock and walked to the
He stepped out of the storeroom
staring. “Hi, Joan. What’s with the outfit? You looking for
a game? It’s early.” He glanced at the hilt of the katana
jutting above her right shoulder.
“No, I have something to show
you.” She held out Sammy’s VR unit. “I found something.”
Lucian grasped the unit with
his finger tips, like it was smoking, and held it at arms
length. He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. “So?”
“It’s in the game scenario.”
Lucian frowned, donned a sensor
cap and he plugged into the unit. “You going to join me?”
She nodded and
slipped her own sensor cap on and hit the activation pad on
her unit. The steamy clearing on the banks of the Ganges River
appeared, only now it was a tiny glade just the size of the
store’s front room. Lucian materialized, head swiveling as
he took in the scenario. “Nice. What did you want to show me?” He
slid one hand into his back pocket.
Joan had seen the bulge in
his pocket when he walked out of the back. Feel safe,
“If you watch, you’ll see some
interference in the VR.” Joan tapped a button on her unit.
Static rained down leaving them standing in the shop for
an instant before returning them to the clearing.
“See!” Joan said brightly. “I
saw the same thing just before Sammy had his accident, and
hacked the code on his unit last night. What did you add
to the game program, Lucian? I found it but I haven’t figured
it out yet.”
Lucian stood tight-lipped staring,
one hand in his pocket. He rubbed his neck with his free
hand. “Joan, sweetie, I like you but you’re putting me in
a tough spot. Just go home and forget Sammy, please.”
She felt a rushing in her head,
pressure that made her ears ring. So, he did cause Sammy’s
death! He’s afraid I know.
“Forget him? No!” She breathed
deep to slow her breathe. “Now, tell me what you did. Only
you could have added that coding. You’re the only VR dealer
Sammy bought from. What does it do? You probably killed him.”
Lucian smiled, a grimace that
displayed all his teeth but conveyed no warmth. “Joan, I’ll
tell you what you want to know, but remember I gave you the
chance to walk away.” He stepped closer. “That subroutine
was developed for a partner of mine for a little business
venture. My partner buys information from businesses and
sells it to their competitors. I’m the pipeline between seller
and buyer.”
Joan felt a jolt
run through her. “No, you don’t pass data along. We do, the
gamers using your VR units and game scenarios. Your subroutine
uses the wireless network of VR units to pass the data along.
But Lucian, your program and the data has to pass through our
brains. Something went wrong. Sammy got cut out while his head
was full of your stolen data, right?”
Lucian looked away and rubbed
his cheek. “Well, yeah.” He turned back and locked gazes
with her. “The programmer I hired included a subroutine so
each data packet would multiply and stay resident in the
brain until it was transmitted. My partner sets up the deals
with corporate employees to give us their employer’s trade
secrets. With my setup, buyer and seller never meet. The
seller transmits the data at a certain time and gets an untraceable
debit card pre-loaded with the agreed amount of credit.”
Lucian looked
away. “Well, the subroutine is like a computer virus. Once
it was uploaded to Sammy’s head, it continued to multiply.
When he got cut out of the network, there was nothing to shut
it down and no place for it to go. The data multiplied until
it shut down his brain.”
Joan shivered. “What was the
data that got locked
into his head?”
“It was an advertising
campaign for sneakers. One of the ad execs sold out the Fall
“Sneaker advertising? That’s
what killed Sammy?” Tears ran down her face as she stepped
forward. “Damn you!” Joan whipped out the katana. The noises
from the birds and insects around the glade hushed at the
ringing shush of the blade being unsheathed.
Lucian smiled but kept his
hand in his pocket. “Joan, sweetie, don’t get all medieval
on me. Look, there’s a lot of money to be made and I’m willing
to cut you in. What happened to Sammy was an accident.”
Joan glanced at Lucian’s pocket.
Holding the sword high and to one side, she slid forward. “What
kind of a monster are you? You mess around with Sammy’s brain
so he dies, and all you can worry about is money? I’m going
to enjoy this.”
Lucian’s face changed in that
instant. The smiling friendly shop owner she knew vanished,
leaving behind a man with a feral grin and a cold, dead gaze. “I’m
sorry, sweetie. That’s life in the real world. And remember,
I gave you every chance to walk away.” He jerked his hand
from his pocket and pointed at her. Except his hand was empty.
Joan smiled. “Lucian, did you
forget that this game scenario is based on Norse and Hindu
mythology? Guns didn’t exist then.”
Lucian turned his hand over
examining his fingers, trying to will the weapon he knew
he held to appear as the gaming software erased it from his
perceptions. Joan laughed. He’s lucky he hasn’t shot himself. She
laughed again when he slapped the cut-off button on Sammy’s
VR unit.
“Oh, I bypassed
the cut-off switch on that unit. I didn’t want you exiting
the game too soon.”
A fear-filled rictus flashed
across Lucian’s face as she danced forward, sword held high. “Please,
Joanie! I’ll do anything.”
“Yes, you will,” she whispered
and struck. Lucian screamed wide-eyed as the sword swooped
down at him. But the razor edge whispered by him, just ruffling
his long gray hair.
Red flashed overhead as a stilted
mechanical voice announced, “An inappropriate disconnection
has been detected. Emergency shut down has been instituted.” Static
rained down and the jungle clearing morphed into the front
room of Virtual Deceit. Lucian lay on the floor, muscles
jerking. The ribbon cable running from the VR unit to his
electrode cap was severed clean an inch from the top of his
head. Joan slammed her sword down, burying the tip in the
linoleum between his legs so Lucien grunted and jerked. She
knelt next to him and yanked her VR unit off her belt.
“Now, you won’t have to speculate
about what happened to Sammy. You get to experience it firsthand.
But, I’m going to give you the chance you didn’t give Sammy.” She
turned and threw her VR unit through the front window of
the shop. The plate glass crashed into shards and tinkled
across the sidewalk. In the back of the shop an alarm clanged.
“The police will be here soon.
You got two choices. One, you can keep your mouth shut about
what you did to Sammy. Who knows, maybe they’ll figure out
a way to stop the runaway virus in your head. You think they
can do that, without knowing what it is? The didn’t have
any luck with Sammy.”
She jerked him closer by his
goatee. “Two, you tell them and hope the doctors figure out
how to stop the virus before it kills you. But, then you’ll
be looking at a bunch of charges. Up to you.”
Joan untied her head cloth
bearing Sammy’s name and kissed it, tears trailing down her
face. “Goodbye, Sammy. Time for me to go,” and looped it
around the hilt to her sword so it dangled like a banner.
She turned and walked out the front door.
# # #
Virtual Deceit by
James R. Stratton
published August 27, 2009
James R. Stratton is by day, a mild-mannered government
lawyer specializing in child abuse prosecutions, living with his wife
and children in Delaware. But in recent years he’s been forging a dark
alter ego of genre fiction author. James has been published multiple
times in Big Pulp, and in Dragons,
Knights & Angels Magazine, Ennea and Nth Degree Magazine, The
Broadkill Review, Tower of Light Online Magazine, and Paper Blossoms, Sharpened Steel,
an anthology of Oriental fantasy.
more of James' work,
visit his Big Pulp author page