The orange flame gutters, and it goes out
not knowing what the story was about.

Prison bars cast their shadows on the bed
for a sentence ended and words unsaid.

The guard looks in, a twinkle in his eye,
left—as we are—to wonder and to sigh;

that the light gone out won’t come back again
to hear the tin cup clamor till the end.

# # #

In Our Cups by WC Roberts
originally published November 1, 2010



WC Roberts lives in a mobile home up on Bixby Hill, on land that was once the county dump. The only window looks out on a ragged scarecrow standing in a field of straw and dressed in his own discarded clothes. WC dreams of the desert, of finally getting his first television set, and of ravens. Above all, he writes.

For more of WC's work,
visit his Big Pulp author page


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